Dr. Kelly Jennings

Dr. Kelly Jennings is a dedicated facilitator for the evolution of our planetary consciousness and culture through radical self-care, collective healing experiences, and emergent dialogue spaces. She has an integrative healthcare practice and has served thousands of people in their desire to be and feel well. She is passionate about healing and authentic awakening in all its forms and firmly believes that the next evolutionary step to true healing is the cultivation of our connection and care for the Whole – of which we and everything are a part.

In addition to her work as a physician, consciousness counselor, herbalist and Chinese medicine practitioner, Dr. Kelly leads transformational medicine retreats, informed by two decades of ritual practice and training with indigenous grandmothers and healers from the Mayan, Mexica, Lakota/Dakota, Shipibo, and Quechua traditions.

Her wholehearted commitment is driven by one question: Are we willing and courageous enough to become our ancestors’ wildest dreams and the elders our children are waiting for?